Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

I found this movie curious indeed
and more than a little long.
In fact I napped briefly and missed a slice of it in the middle somewhere.
This morning I was startled to discover its nomination
for an Academy Award -
best picture of the year!!
Did I miss something?

So I've been thinking.
My opinion has been colored by a review that gave it only two and a half stars.
That's less than nearly everything.
So what is this little film trying to say?
I had to think a little deeper and to investigate.

Seems it was written by the same guy who wrote Forrest Gump.
Gump was an outsider who sort of meandered through life
dispensing wisdom
and being generally a good and kind person.
Benjamin has those characteristics.
He had every right to be bitter.
After all his mother died in childbirth.
He was discarded by his father as a freak.
He grew up in an old folks home,
and old people are the ultimate outcasts in American society.

The wisdom of those old folks nourished him
and he wasn't a freak there.
He listened.
He was considerate.
He did the right thing.
There was nothing evil or particularly sinful in him.
Even his forays into bordellos were naive and innocent.
He traveled the world,
had a little money
and was generally filled with wonder.
Along the way he dispensed wisdom.

He shows us that everyone is created in the image of God
and worthy of care,
even when their appearance is bizarre.
He made the most out of life,
accepted it as a gift
with gratitude
and an open heart.

May it be so with us, Lord.
May it be so.

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