Monday, April 13, 2009

The Aftermath

Easter lingers this morning
the loveliness of it all.
Three days of intense services
Last year it peaked on Maundy Thursday.
This year it was Easter Sunday itself
for me anyway
Surprise flowers garnishing the entryway outside!
I noticed it right away -
the white petunias blooming in an old palm tree stump
lilies trumpeting the news of the resurrection
colorful annuals planted in fresh mulch.

Inside there were roses
extravagant, full gorgeous red roses
to fill the cross.
We sang five great Easter hymns
as people streamed forward
and added their flowers to the chorus

I had awakened Easter morning
still in the lingering darkness of Good Friday
but (and this is shocking to me!!)
reading the sermon I labored 12 hours to prepare
encouraged my heart
and I felt new life coming into me.
From then on it was all Easter joy.

Tyler, amazing Tyler, sang yesterday
two songs back to back.
By the time he finished You'll Never Walk Alone
there may not have been a dry eye in the sanctuary.
I was glad my speaking parts were over!

We had worship yesterday at St. Stephen
or I did anyway -
glorious, magical, anointed, Spirit led worship
a fitting climax to a most extraordinary week.

Thank you, God
for your great gift of the resurrection
and for turning my stony heart to flesh
in such wondrous ways.

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