Monday, May 25, 2009

the least favorite part of mz daz

I lower mz chubbz bodz into the deep cavern
and put mz head under the barelz hot water.
I lather it up with shampoo and rinse,
then soap mz bodz up to remove zesterdaz§s sweat and stench.
\verz carefullz I rmove the handle from the side of the wall
and lift the bulb on top of the spout.
I cringe as ice water covers mz bodz.
Nervouslz, because I§ve had accidents
and because mz roommate§s entire wardrobe hangs above mz head,
I guide the wand to mz soapz locks and bodz.
\bz now the water is warm and refreshing.
Push the bulb down,
\replace the dripping wand,
\get on mz knees and verz graduallz exit this experience.
Another \Cyech daz is born.

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