Monday, July 5, 2010

Breakfast with Phyllis Tickle

The gray haired grandmiother with a kind face pointed us to our new future this morning over cheese souffles and roasted potatoes.
"It's already here," she says.
"The sun rises in the morning whether we care or not."
"By 9-11 it was already fully in place."

"What does it look like?" we wondered.
community instead of membership
radical, Trinitarian obedience
small groups loyal to one another for a season
no institution!
more interested in narrative than dogma.

The faith will grow and expand
but we must drop back and re-configure.
Then we shall find ancient treasures,
like realizing the frame surrounding the portrait of an uncle
is worth a fortune on eBay.

She quoted Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Cabnterbury
and left us with a vision of hope:
"We are here to serve the kingdom of God
and behold!
God is doing a new thing among us.

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