Wednesday, June 3, 2009


She teared up when she saw me.
She couldn't talk.
She could only writhe in pain.
How did this happen
to this woman my age?
We walked together in the park and laughed
as we spoke of family, church and God.
Now she lies silent
except for the grimaces of pain that cross her face.

I could only watch quietly
and love her through my tears.
I am powerless to help her
or to do anything to alleviate her aching heart and body.

I pray for Mary
for the peace of Christ to fill her
for God's healing mercies and tenderness to enfold her
for courage and strength to make it through the final part of her journey.

I shall never understand why we have to suffer so.
But Jesus suffered
and out of that terror
came life for all the rest of us.

I don't know how God will use Mary's torment.
We can only offer it to God,
sense God's tears merging with our own,
and know that we are all held together in God's loving kindness
as we anticipate the time of freedom.

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