Monday, June 1, 2009

Our 44th Wedding Anniversary

We've weathered so many storms together
job loss and financial strees
the decline and death of his parents
cancer, kidney stones and heart stints.

But there have been such incredible joys for me -
the feeling of safety whenever he is around
two fabulous children
and three bright and beautiful grandchildren
a shared faith
wonderful trips
a house, a farm and a condo
everything we ever wanted really
God's rich blessing on our life together
his ability to fix anything
and to care so deeply for me.

He pushed me to seminary
drives me to church
listens to my sermons again and again,
often tearing up and always praising them.

He is there for me whenever and however I need him
holding me in his strong arms
blessing me
solving my logistical problems
doing the laundry, the dishes and the food preparation
and staying positive through all of it.

I never met another man I thought I could live with.
I am the center of his life, and I always have been.
He listens to me
and encourages me
and this has been going on for 44 years today.

I love him so.
I always will.
He is my one great true love.

I know our remaining years are numbered.
We've both slowed down.
Little things nip at our heels
fatigue for me
insomnia for him
aches and pains
our great love of food and its devastating effects in our lives

How long do we have together?
10 years?
I pray that we make it to 50.
I pray God remains at the center of our lives.
I pray that we continue to love and care for one another
and enjoy our family.
I pray that one day we can retire without having to live in bare survival mode
hand to mouth.
I pray that our life together be one of service and creativity to the end
that others will be warmed by the Christ light
that brought us together in the first place
and has kept us together for 44 years.

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