Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

The beginning of Advent is always reflective for me.
I watch.
I wait.
I prepare for the birth of something new
and life changing
and holy within me.
Advent has more to do with the inner landscape than the outward manisfestation.

At some point joy enters my heart.
It never fails.
It comes as gift
and turns me in a different direction.

I know there is terrible suffering in the world.
Some days it is hard not to be felled by it.
I carry it too closely in my heart.
If I'm not careful I forget
that the Christian message is joy, even in suffering
even in the midst of illness and hardship of every kind.

Beneath the sorrow lies a golden thread.
God is at work lighting the darkness.
When I am still and when I remember, I tap into that.
My soul is strengthened and blessed.
Only then can I turn to face the world with love.

To me, this is the gift of Christmas,
God's coming to us in stillness
in a most unexpected way
lighting our path
giving us strength and courage
birthing something completely new
and enabling us to turn and face the world with love.

May we take time to allow God to come to us this holy day and night.
And may the beauty of Christ's birth bring us joy
and grace to live into the days to come.

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