Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Unwanted Stone

My Forrest is laid up today
down at Methodist Hospital
full of pain medication
drinking lots of fluids
and trying to dislodge a 6 mm. kidney stone.

A hard place formed within him
and surfaced at eleven o'clock night before last.
He writhed in pain
all night long
and for most of the next day.

When he finally saw the doctor
there was only one thing to do -
head for the hospital
which he did.
I took him.
We waited patiently,
he in terrible pain,
me powerless to help much
except to get things rolling on getting him a room
and some medicine.

They put a "hat" in his toilet
designed to catch pieces of the stone
if it exited his body.
It has not.
So he'll come home now armed with meds
and wait.
and if the pain becomes uncontrollable
he'll go back in again.

I'm trying to write a sermon as I wait for his call
but it not easily birthed today.
It's on gratitude -
probably would be easier to write if it were about
my surly attitude.
Colds make me weary
and things going wrong with Forrest
make me anxious.

Every Saturday I don my Jonah suit
and want to run away from this.
It's too hard!
I'm not smart enough!
Please help!
No pearls of wisdom emerging today.
I can't think straight.
I guess I'll head for the hospital
and stew around there
until the muse decides to pay me a visit.

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