Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jesus and the Movies

My Iphone alerted me that the Oscar nominations are out.
I raced to the computer to find them
still wearing my nightgown
with sleep in my eyes.
What greeted me were pictures of Jesus
one by one flashing on the screen
leftovers from sermons I gave long ago.

Now settled back in my chair with Oscar knowledge
Jesus' face comes to me -
the ugly one that scholars say is probably the most accurate
a favorite with loving eyes and a shawl on his head.

maligned by so many
always touches my heart.
every single time.
"Come to me," he says.
I see his face.
I sense his presence.
I settle in to that.
My day will be different now.

Who cares about the Oscars anyway
and why should we?
What does that have to do with God?

An Oscar nomination pegs great art.
Good art touches the heart
and moves us through whatever form it takes.
It brings us closer to God
reflects God's ways and ours
and helps us to see ourselves.
What touches us and makes us cry
is the place where we need to do emotional and spiritual work.

Movies to me are a special form of God's grace
sacramental sometimes.
All human stories have spiritual themes
whether they are real life
or imagined through a clever writer
and captured on film.

In dark times of my life
when I have felt alone and frightened
when Scripture lay lifeless on the page
a movie has led me back to God.
If I could see grace operating in a character's life
I could begin to believe
that grace would enter mine.

I don't criticize movies too often.
Mostly I go with an open heart
asking God to come to me
and help me see how God is at work.
Even in vile films there are slices of grace
just like real life.
I look for them.
They lead me back to Scripture
and link to my own life.

I'm behind in movie going this season.
Soon I'll catch up.
Now to find a movie going buddy
and a group in which to talk things over.

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