Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Clark Family Politics

For generations the Clarks have been Democrats.
The family album was full of Franklin Roosevelt, the hero
Not so in my family.
They thought Roosevelt was a traitor.
But I loved this guy Forrest
And he was a Democrat
A Democrat who wouldn't marry me unless I converted
so I did.
I've been happily Democrat for years now, ever since I could vote.
But something happened with the Clintons
to turn him off
and then Forrest started listening to talk radio
joking about it at first,
then announcing that he would support W for president.
No one could believe it.
A Clark! Voting for a Republican!
He still, even now, loves W and the war in Iraq
The family whispers quietly amongst themselves that he has gone to the dark side.
Our children love Obama.
Forrest leaves them messages that Darth Vader has called.
Emi announces herself as Princess Leah.
At least they're laughing now.
It's an improvement.

I go back and forth
like a ping pong ball getting whacked.
but I like Sarah Palin.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll descend to the dark place as well.

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