Thursday, September 25, 2008

Too much

Numb today
Laid out like a body in a coffin
Too much!
Too much sadness for people
who are suffering from Ike.

Pancho lost his home
and everything in it.
Where will he go?
What will he do?

Donnie and his wife lost their church.
The winds hoisted much of the roof
and sent it crashing all over Pasadena.
No more grand pipe organ
to call people to worship.
She cried
when she described the devastation.

And what about Galveston?
Little Emmanuel church?
five feet of water in their sanctuary
and few resources
to clean up the muck
or replace anything.

And Galveston First
the mother ship of churches?
buckling wooden floors,
stinky damp carpet
soggy wires
and a silent, wet organ

O my God!
Out of the depths we cry to you!!
in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

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