Friday, September 19, 2008


It's a little thing really
in the grand scheme of things
that I have no television
or internet
no keeping up with the world
just me
on my little island
my air conditioned island.

It's the powerlessness that is frustrating.
not being able to fix it
not knowing when or if
it will ever be fixed.
No one calls with updates about the cable.
We wait silently
for someone else who does have power
to make things right again.

How many people live their lives like this every day.
unable to fix what is broken
unable to rise above it
and take action of any kind
dependent upon others for their well being.
It's not so easy.
A long time of it will bring despair.
Be with us all, O God, in our waiting.
Fix our vision on higher things
and give us compassion for those who wait.

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