Friday, September 19, 2008

Watching for the Morning

I had never heard that swishing sound before.
In the darkened night
the tree branches swished and danced
as the gusty wind tickled their leaves
and sent them spinning.
I had no fear
knowing that a giant storm was wooing them to action.
I was strangely still within.
I have never had rational fears,
only irrational ones.
On this night I was alone
and peaceful
as I listened to the swishing
and watched very serious television anchors
describe what Ike was doing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Millions of us were watching for the morning.

I was prepared.
bottled water,
food in the pantry and refrigerator
battery powered radio on alert.
All the physcial things were done.
Emotionally I had moved into numb,
the place where I don't feel anything.
I function.
I was clear,
not having eaten any sugar or flour.
Spiritually, I had few words -
other than asking God to protect
the elderly, fragile people
and all those who were vulnerable and afraid.
I asked for myself that the air conditioning stay on,
remembering the oppressive heat of Hurricane Alicia.

I spoke words of peace to the storm
just as Jesus had done.
Peace, be still.
All night long.
Swishing and swaying.
Peace, be still.
Swishing, dancing, clapping their hands
Peace, Be still.
The trees seemed to enjoy the dance.
It never felt frightening.
At 11:30 the power went off.
odd since the trees were doing a slow dance,
not a tango.
I lit a glass candle, the dime store variety
with a picture of the sacred heart of Jesus.
It stayed lit all night,
warming me with its light.

The power came on again, then off
then on, then off, then finally on again at 5:30 AM.
I slept through most of it,
and when I was conscious
spoke lovingly to the storm
Peace, be still.
The storm crept in in darkness
while we waited for the morning.

My soul waits for the Lord
and in His word I hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning.
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

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